Quick survey - # of staff in Volunteer Management

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  • 05 Sep 2017 4:39 PM
    Reply # 5064601 on 5056287

    Hello all, 

    Filoli Center, a property of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, consists of a 54.000 square foot historic house and 16 acre garden, 654 acres of nature preserve, and numerous other smaller buildings on site, and a rare fruit orchard. We have 1116 current volunteers (all over the age of 18) in 16 committees with volunteer leads. 

    There is a Manager of Member and Volunteer Services (full time), and myself, the Volunteer Coordinator (30 hrs/week). 

    Like the Seattle Art Museum, we have key staff in full-time management positions who also help oversee particular committees as assigned 'Staff Liaisons''. For example, our Head of Horticulture oversees those volunteer committees who act in the garden.  

    I, the Volunteer Coordinator, manage and certify all volunteer documents, run the database/structure/schedule, and provide a lot of tech support to staff and volunteers as it pertains to tech needed to access our database: Volgistics, VicNet; and VicTouch. In the absence of volunteer leadership or staff liaison time, I also coordinate schedules and recruit volunteers for a number of committees, positions, festivals, rentals, and special events. 


  • 06 Sep 2017 4:44 PM
    Reply # 5066384 on 5056287
    Deleted user

    Hi Angie,

    Here is our information:

    The name of your organization: 9/11 Memorial & Museum

    The current # of adult volunteers in your organization: 300

    The number of paid employees: We have 2 full time employees, a Manager and Coordinator. 

    We don't manage the volunteers directly, we develop the program and opportunities and manage the whole recruitment process, then pass them on to their departments they volunteer in to manage on a daily basis.  We also organize all the appreciation events and rewards.  I guess when looking at numbers of staff you might want to also see what their responsibilities are, because this varies a lot between Museums (some have a more hands on role with the volunteers, others are more of an HR function). 

    Hope this is helpful- good luck!
    Lindsay Watts, Volunteer Program Manager, LWatts@911memorial.org

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